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CA Aakash Kandoi

CA Aakash Kandoi is a qualified professional with CA, Dip IFS (ACCA, UK). He is a passionate professor with more than four years of teaching experience in the CA Foundation, CA Inter, and CA Final levels. He has expertise in conceptual teaching and strives to bring out the best of knowledge in his students. His zeal for education is based on his quote “Application of knowledge is more important than having it” which shows his focus on applying knowledge in order to achieve the desired results.

CA Shubham Keswani

CA Shubham Keswani is a Merit holder at CA Final & Inter level. He completed his 3 years of Articleship training in the field of Audit & Assurance from EY. Having secured exemption in Auditing at both levels of his CA Journey, his purpose is to enlighten you with his experience & expertise.